So I finally am publishing my half marathon hybrid that integrates Asylum volumes 1 and 2 with running. I used a similar hybrid to PR at last year’s Hollywood Half marathon. This is a modification because the one I used had NO light weeks and NO taper. For most people that is a bad idea and a great way to get injured so I waited until I worked out what I consider a good set of ‘light weeks’ and tapers. I also added plenty of recovery work (using ‘Relief’, ‘Off Day Stretch’, and foam rolling).
I will say that foam rolling is highly recommended. Rumble Rolling is even better! (More on that later…hopefully).
Personally, I love the ‘hard weeks’ that I built into this hybrid. Living in SoCal, all the races I do have a significant set of hills and the leg workouts in both volumes of the Asylum to a great job preparing you for that. In those hard weeks, take the recovery work seriously so you can keep you muscles happy.
I will also add this to the file I have hosted on Google Drive. So if you want a file you can modify, then head there to download it. To use this in a marathon training hybrid, just swap the running miles with the distances listed in one of my full marathon hybrids. Or Click Here